Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Halloween is Near!!

Boo! It's that time of year and Brandi, CeCe and I had a great time today trying on costumes, looking at scary/ugly masks, and watching CeCe's nose and eyebrows get huge right before our eyes! We had so much fun just hanging out being ourselves!

Ahoy Matey! Argh! Yo ho, Yo ho! Shiver me timbers! Walk the plank! We are the best pirates you'll ever meet!

Gross right? Thats what I said when Brandi took a picture of this nasty man. Isnt it crazy the masks they come out with now? A man throwing up fruit loops? REALLY?!

How hilarious is this?! We tried so many things on her and she just sat there and smiled :)


cj and ubee said...

Oh my gosh...she looks like Jimmy Durante :) I think she would look cute as a kitty cat for Halloween.
Aunt Claudia

Bill said...

These are just hilarious! You are so fun living!